College and Career Readiness Resources

Mon, 10/07/2024 - 12:34pm

Career Academy Info Session, Nov. 12

Current 8-11 grade students and their parents/guardians are invited to attend in-person information sessions about HCPSS career academies on Nov. 12 and Dec. 11. Participants will learn how Career and Technical Education career academies provide high school students with opportunities to earn college credit, scholarships, and industry-recognized credentials, participate in worksite and mentorship experiences, and become creative problem solvers.

HCPSS March2Future presents Naviance 101-  Wednesday, October 9th at 7:30pm (note time change from 7pm to 7:30pm) Join Jill Altshuler, College and Career Readiness Resource Counselor, to learn all the features Naviance offers including self-discovery  inventories, career exploration, career portfolios, and college preparation.  Registration is required.  

Family Letter about Naviance:

(Ms. Stevens will be sending an email out to families through Naviance on Monday, 10/14 with their individual codes needed to log in.) This messagee is a heads up to look for it. 

Dear PVMS families, 

HCPSS is excited to introduce Naviance Student to middle school families.  Naviance is a comprehensive website that you and your student can use to explore college and careers options and plan for a meaningful post-HCPSS future. Naviance is a program that students will utilize from middle school all the way through high school.

Career Readiness Advisors have developed a lesson for (your school)’s students in grade 6-8.  This lesson will be presented during SEL Time on October 21st.  Students have the ability to access Naviance from school and home.

Naviance is able to be translated into more than 75 languages so all HCPSS families are able to access and use it.

Naviance Student allows your student to:

  • Get involved in the planning and advising process – Build a resume, complete online surveys, and manage deadlines for colleges and careers.

  • Research careers – Research hundreds of careers and take career assessments.

  • Create plans for the future – Create goals to better prepare your student for future college and career goals.

  • Naviance Student also lets us share information with you and your student about upcoming meetings and events, scholarship opportunities, and other resources.

An email will be sent out to families and provided in multiple languages through Naviance on Monday, October 14th with the codes needed to register. See below for information on how to register:

To visit our school’s Naviance Student site, use an Internet browser to connect to 

Parent Log In:  When you visit the site for the first time, enter your child’s school. On the first screen and select school.  Then scroll to the bottom of the welcome page and click "I’m new and need to register" link.  Enter your personal registration code (This registration code will be emailed out to families on Monday, 10/14))  and follow the on-screen instructions to create your own account.

To switch the page into your preferred language click the ‘globe icon’ at the top right corner of your homepage.  Select a language.  

Student Log In:  Students use their clever login found in the account. Click on Naviance and then enter your hcpss student id and password. This registration code will be emailed out to families on Monday, 10/14)

We hope that you will find this resource helpful!

If you have any questions, please reach out to your Career Readiness Advisor Ms. Monica Stevens at

College & Career Readiness Resources